Uses of Interface

Packages that use CommandBuilder
org.kitesdk.morphline.api This package contains the heart of the morphline API. 

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.api

Methods in org.kitesdk.morphline.api that return types with arguments of type CommandBuilder
 Class<CommandBuilder> MorphlineContext.getCommandBuilder(String builderName)

Constructors in org.kitesdk.morphline.api with parameters of type CommandBuilder
MorphlineCompilationException(String msg, com.typesafe.config.Config config, Throwable th, CommandBuilder builder)

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.avro

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.avro that implement CommandBuilder
 class ExtractAvroPathsBuilder
          Command that uses zero or more avro path expressions to extract values from an Avro object.
 class ExtractAvroTreeBuilder
          Command that converts an attached Avro datum to a morphline record by recursively walking the Avro tree and extracting all data into a single morphline record, with fields named by their path in the Avro tree.
 class ReadAvroBuilder
          Command that parses an InputStream that contains Avro data; for each Avro datum, the command emits a morphline record containing the datum as an attachment in Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY.
 class ReadAvroContainerBuilder
          Command that parses an InputStream that contains Avro binary container file data; for each Avro datum, the command emits a morphline record containing the datum as an attachment in Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY.
 class ToAvroBuilder
          Command that converts a morphline record to an Avro record.
 class WriteAvroToByteArrayBuilder
          Command that serializes the Avro records contained in the _attachment_body field into a byte array and replaces the _attachment_body field with that byte array.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.base

Constructors in org.kitesdk.morphline.base with parameters of type CommandBuilder
AbstractCommand(CommandBuilder builder, com.typesafe.config.Config config, Command parent, Command child, MorphlineContext context)
          Using the given builder, constructs a command rooted at the given morphline JSON config.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.core

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.core that implement CommandBuilder
 class DownloadHdfsFileBuilder
          Command for transferring HDFS files, for example to help with centralized configuration file management.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.parquet.avro

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.parquet.avro that implement CommandBuilder
 class ReadAvroParquetFileBuilder
          Command that parses a Hadoop File that contains Parquet data; for each Parquet Avro datum, the command emits a morphline record containing the record as an attachment in Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.rcfile

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.rcfile that implement CommandBuilder
 class ReadRCFileBuilder
          Command for reading Record Columnar (RC) Files.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.sequencefile

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.hadoop.sequencefile that implement CommandBuilder
 class ReadSequenceFileBuilder
          Command that emits one record per sequence file entry in the input stream of the first attachment.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.json

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.json that implement CommandBuilder
 class ExtractJsonPathsBuilder
          Command that uses zero or more JSON path expressions to extract values from a JSON object.
 class ReadJsonBuilder
          Command that parses an InputStream that contains JSON data; for each JSON object in the stream, the command emits a morphline record containing the object as an attachment in Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.maxmind

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.maxmind that implement CommandBuilder
 class GeoIPBuilder
          Command that returns Geolocation information for a given IP address, using an efficient in-memory Maxmind database lookup.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.metrics.servlets

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.metrics.servlets that implement CommandBuilder
 class RegisterJVMMetricsBuilder
          Command that registers metrics that are related to the Java Virtual Machine with the MorphlineContext of the morphline.
 class StartReportingMetricsToHTTPBuilder
          Command that exposes liveness status, health check status, metrics state and thread dumps via a set of HTTP URLs served by Jetty, using the AdminServlet.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.saxon

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.saxon that implement CommandBuilder
 class ConvertHTMLBuilder
          Command that converts HTML to XHTML using the TagSoup library.
 class XQueryBuilder
          Command that parses an InputStream that contains an XML document and runs the given XQuery over the XML document.
 class XSLTBuilder
          Command that parses an InputStream that contains an XML document and runs the given XSL Transform over the XML document.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.solr

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.solr that implement CommandBuilder
 class GenerateSolrSequenceKeyBuilder
          A command that assigns a record unique key that is the concatenation of the given baseIdField record field, followed by a running count of the record number within the current session.
 class LoadSolrBuilder
          A command that loads a record into a SolrServer or MapReduce SolrOutputFormat.
 class SanitizeUnknownSolrFieldsBuilder
          Command that sanitizes record fields that are unknown to Solr schema.xml by either deleting them (renameToPrefix is absent or a zero length string), or by moving them to a field prefixed with the given renameToPrefix (e.g.
 class TokenizeTextBuilder
          A command that uses the embedded Solr/Lucene Analyzer library to generate tokens from a text string, without sending data to a Solr server.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.solrcell

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.solrcell that implement CommandBuilder
 class SolrCellBuilder
          Command that pipes the first attachment of a record into one of the given Tika parsers, then maps the Tika output back to a record using SolrCell.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.stdio

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.stdio that implement CommandBuilder
 class ReadClobBuilder
          Command that emits one record for the entire input stream of the first attachment, interpreting the stream as a Character Large Object (CLOB).
 class ReadCSVBuilder
          Command that extracts zero or more records from the input stream of the first attachment, representing a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file.
 class ReadLineBuilder
          Command that emits one record per line in the input stream of the first attachment.
 class ReadMultiLineBuilder
          Multiline log parser that collapse multiline messages into a single record; supports "regex", "what" and "negate" configuration parameters similar to logstash.

Constructors in org.kitesdk.morphline.stdio with parameters of type CommandBuilder
AbstractParser(CommandBuilder builder, com.typesafe.config.Config config, Command parent, Command child, MorphlineContext context)

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.stdlib

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.stdlib that implement CommandBuilder
 class AddCurrentTimeBuilder
          A command that adds the result of System.currentTimeMillis() to a given output field.
 class AddLocalHostBuilder
          A command that adds the name or IP of the local host to a given output field.
 class AddValuesBuilder
          For each input field value, add the value to the given record output field.
 class AddValuesIfAbsentBuilder
          For each input field value, add the value to the given record output field if the value isn't already contained in that field.
 class CallParentPipeBuilder
          Command that routes records to the enclosing pipe morphline object.
 class ContainsBuilder
          Command that succeeds if one of the field values of the given named field is equal to one of the the given values, and fails otherwise; Multiple fields can be named, in which case the results are ANDed.
 class ConvertTimestampBuilder
          Command that converts the timestamps in a given field from one of a set of input date formats (in an input timezone) to an output date format (in an output timezone), while respecting daylight savings time rules.
 class DecodeBase64Builder
          Command that converts a Base64 encoded String to a byte[] per Section 6.8.
 class DropRecordBuilder
          Command that silently consumes records without ever emitting any record - think /dev/null.
 class EqualsBuilder
          Command that succeeds if all field values of the given named fields are equal to the the given values, and fails otherwise.
 class ExtractURIComponentBuilder
          A command that extracts a subcomponent from the URIs contained in the given input field and appends it to the given output fields.
 class ExtractURIComponentsBuilder
          A command that extracts subcomponents from the URIs contained in the given input field and appends them to output fields with the given prefix, namely scheme, authority, host, port, path, query, fragment, schemeSpecificPart, userInfo.
 class ExtractURIQueryParametersBuilder
          A command that extracts the query parameters with a given name from the URIs contained in the given input field and appends them to the given output field.
 class FindReplaceBuilder
          Command that examines each string value in a given field and replaces each substring of the string value that matches the given string literal or grok pattern with the given replacement.
 class GenerateUUIDBuilder
          A command that sets a universally unique identifier on all records that are intercepted.
 class GrokBuilder
          The Grok command uses regular expression pattern matching to extract structured fields from unstructured log data.
 class IfThenElseBuilder
          An If-Then-Else command consists of a chain of zero or more conditions commands, as well as a chain of zero or or more commands that are processed if all conditions succeed ("then commands"), as well as a chain of zero or more commands that are processed if one of the conditions fails ("else commands").
 class JavaBuilder
          The "java" command compiles the given Java code block, wrapped into a Java method with a boolean return type and several parameters, along with a Java class definition that contains the given import statements.
 class LogDebugBuilder
          Command that logs to slf4j at DEBUG level.
 class LogErrorBuilder
          Command that logs to slf4j at ERROR level.
 class LogInfoBuilder
          Command that logs to slf4j at INFO level.
 class LogTraceBuilder
          Command that logs to slf4j at TRACE level.
 class LogWarnBuilder
          Command that logs to slf4j at WARN level.
 class NotBuilder
          A Not command consists of one nested command, the boolean return value of which is inverted.
 class PipeBuilder
          Factory to create morphline pipe instances.
 class SeparateAttachmentsBuilder
          Command that emits one output record for each attachment in the input record's list of attachments; The result is a list of records, each of which has at most one attachment.
 class SetValuesBuilder
          For each input field, set the given record output field to the same values.
 class SplitBuilder
          Command that divides strings into substrings, by recognizing a separator (a.k.a.
 class SplitKeyValueBuilder
          Command that iterates over the items in a given record input field, interprets each item as a key-value pair where the key and value are separated by the given separator character, and adds the pair's value to the record field named after the pair's key.
 class StartReportingMetricsToCSVBuilder
          Command that starts periodically appending the metrics of the com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry of the morphline context to a set of CSV files, configured via a com.codahale.metrics.CsvReporter.Builder.
 class StartReportingMetricsToJMXBuilder
          Command that starts publishing the metrics of the com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry of the morphline context to JMX, configured via a com.codahale.metrics.JmxReporter.Builder.
 class StartReportingMetricsToSLF4JBuilder
          Command that starts periodically logging the metrics of the com.codahale.metrics.MetricRegistry of the morphline context to SLF4j, configured via a com.codahale.metrics.Slf4jReporter.Builder.
 class ToByteArrayBuilder
          Command that converts the Java objects in a given field via Object.toString() to their string representation, and then via String.getBytes(Charset) to their byte array representation.
 class ToStringBuilder
          Command that converts the Java objects in a given field via Object.toString() to their string representation, and optionally also applies String.trim().
 class TranslateBuilder
          Command that examines each string value in a given field and replaces it with the replacement value defined in a given dictionary aka hash table.
 class TryRulesBuilder
          A tryRules command consists of zero or more rules.

Constructors in org.kitesdk.morphline.stdlib with parameters of type CommandBuilder
AbstractFieldTransformCommand(CommandBuilder builder, com.typesafe.config.Config config, Command parent, Command child, MorphlineContext context)

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.tika

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.tika that implement CommandBuilder
 class DetectMimeTypeBuilder
          Command that auto-detects the MIME type of the first attachment, if no MIME type is defined yet.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.tika.decompress

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.tika.decompress that implement CommandBuilder
 class DecompressBuilder
          Command that decompresses the first attachment.
 class UnpackBuilder
          Command that unpacks the first attachment.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.twitter

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.twitter that implement CommandBuilder
 class ReadJsonTestTweetsBuilder
          JSON parser that extracts search documents from twitter tweets obtained from the twitter 1% sample firehose with the delimited=length option.

Uses of CommandBuilder in org.kitesdk.morphline.useragent

Classes in org.kitesdk.morphline.useragent that implement CommandBuilder
 class UserAgentBuilder
          Command that parses user agent strings and returns structured higher level data like user agent family, operating system, version, and device type, using the underlying API and regexes.yaml BrowserScope database from

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