Package org.kitesdk.morphline.avro

Class Summary
ExtractAvroPathsBuilder Command that uses zero or more avro path expressions to extract values from an Avro object.
ExtractAvroTreeBuilder Command that converts an attached Avro datum to a morphline record by recursively walking the Avro tree and extracting all data into a single morphline record, with fields named by their path in the Avro tree.
ReadAvroBuilder Command that parses an InputStream that contains Avro data; for each Avro datum, the command emits a morphline record containing the datum as an attachment in Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY.
ReadAvroContainerBuilder Command that parses an InputStream that contains Avro binary container file data; for each Avro datum, the command emits a morphline record containing the datum as an attachment in Fields.ATTACHMENT_BODY.
ToAvroBuilder Command that converts a morphline record to an Avro record.
ToAvroMapBuilder Command that converts a morphline record to an Avro record that contains a Map with string keys and array values where the array values can be null, boolean, int, long, float, double, string, bytes.
WriteAvroToByteArrayBuilder Command that serializes the Avro records contained in the _attachment_body field into a byte array and replaces the _attachment_body field with that byte array.

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