Uses of Class

Packages that use DatasetException Provides interfaces and classes for reading and writing datasets. 

Uses of DatasetException in

Subclasses of DatasetException in
 class ConcurrentSchemaModificationException
           Exception thrown when a schema modification collides with another client trying to modify the schema of the same dataset.
 class DatasetExistsException
          Exception thrown when trying to create a dataset that already exists.
 class DatasetIOException
           Exception thrown for dataset IO-related failures.
 class DatasetNotFoundException
           Exception thrown to indicate that a dataset was not found.
 class DatasetReaderException
           Exception thrown for dataset reader-related failures.
 class DatasetRepositoryException
           Exception thrown for dataset repository-related failures.
 class DatasetWriterException
           Exception thrown for dataset writer-related failures.
 class IncompatibleSchemaException
           Exception thrown when a schema update is not compatible with the previous schema (or schemas) or with existing datasets (if shared storage is used, for example).
 class SchemaNotFoundException
           Exception thrown to indicate that there is a problem finding a particular version of a schema.
 class SerializationException
          Exception thrown when an object cannot be serialized to, or deserialized from, its binary representation.
 class TypeNotFoundException
           Exception thrown to indicate that there is a problem finding a given type.
 class UnknownFormatException
          Exception thrown when a Dataset is in an unknown format.
 class ValidationException
           Exception thrown to indicate that there was a problem parsing or validating a schema, partition strategy, or column mapping.

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