
Package org.kitesdk.data

Provides interfaces and classes for reading and writing datasets.


Interface Summary
Dataset<E> A logical representation of a set of data entities.
DatasetReader<E> A stream-oriented dataset reader.
DatasetRepository A logical repository (storage system) of Datasets.
DatasetWriter<E> A stream-oriented dataset writer.
MetadataProvider Deprecated. will be moved in 0.14.0; moved to service provider interface.
RandomAccessDataset<E> A Dataset that supports random access operations on entities.
RandomAccessDatasetRepository A logical repository (storage system) of RandomAccessDatasets.
RefinableView<E> A RefinableView specifies a subset of a Dataset by one or more logical constraints.
View<E> A View is a subset of a Dataset.

Class Summary
ColumnMapping A descriptor for an entity's column mappings, which defines how an entity maps to a columnar store.
ColumnMapping.Builder A fluent builder to aid in constructing a ColumnMapping.
DatasetDescriptor The structural definition of a Dataset.
DatasetDescriptor.Builder A fluent builder to aid in the construction of DatasetDescriptors.
DatasetRepositories Convenience methods for working with DatasetRepository instances.
FieldMapping Represents how to store a Schema field.
Format The data format used for encoding the data in a Dataset when stored in a DatasetRepository.
Formats Contains constant definitions for the standard Format instances supported by the library.
Key A key for retrieving entities from a RandomAccessDataset.
Key.Builder A fluent builder to aid in the construction of Key objects.
PartitionKey A key for retrieving partitions from a Dataset.
PartitionStrategy The strategy used to determine how a dataset is partitioned.
PartitionStrategy.Builder A fluent builder to aid in the construction of PartitionStrategys.

Enum Summary
FieldMapping.MappingType The supported Mapping Types, which control how an entity field maps to columns in an HBase table.

Exception Summary
ConcurrentSchemaModificationException Exception thrown when a schema modification collides with another client trying to modify the schema of the same dataset.
DatasetException Exception thrown for dataset-related failures.
DatasetExistsException Exception thrown when trying to create a dataset that already exists.
DatasetIOException Exception thrown for dataset IO-related failures.
DatasetNotFoundException Exception thrown to indicate that a dataset was not found.
DatasetReaderException Exception thrown for dataset reader-related failures.
DatasetRepositoryException Exception thrown for dataset repository-related failures.
DatasetWriterException Exception thrown for dataset writer-related failures.
IncompatibleSchemaException Exception thrown when a schema update is not compatible with the previous schema (or schemas) or with existing datasets (if shared storage is used, for example).
MetadataProviderException Deprecated. will be removed in 0.14.0; use DatasetException instead.
SchemaNotFoundException Exception thrown to indicate that there is a problem finding a particular version of a schema.
SchemaValidationException Deprecated. will be removed in 0.15.0; use ValidationException.
SerializationException Exception thrown when an object cannot be serialized to, or deserialized from, its binary representation.
UnknownFormatException Exception thrown when a Dataset is in an unknown format.
ValidationException Exception thrown to indicate that there was a problem parsing or validating a schema, partition strategy, or column mapping.

Package org.kitesdk.data Description

Provides interfaces and classes for reading and writing datasets.

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