This is the solution page for Lab 6: Create a Flume pipeline.


1. Create a Flume configuration

The flume-config command will produce a working configuration with the following options:

  • ratings – the target dataset
  • --agent agent – configure the agent named agent
  • --channel-type memory – hold ratings in memory while waiting for them to be written
kite-dataset flume-config ratings --agent agent --channel-type memory --output flume.conf

2. Update Flume’s configuration and restart

Replace the /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.conf file, where Flume will look for its configuration.

sudo cp flume.conf /etc/flume-ng/conf/flume.conf
sudo /etc/init.d/flume-ng-agent restart

Flume’s log (/var/log/flume-ng/flume.log) should show successful start-up messages for the source and sink:

INFO  [thread-1] (o.a.f.s.k.DatasetSink.start:191)  - Started DatasetSink dataset:hive://
INFO  [thread-3] (o.a.f.s.AvroSource.start:253)  - Avro source avro-event-source started.

3. Build and run the ratings application

cd /home/cloudera/ratings-app
mvn package
hadoop jar target/ratings-app-0.17.1-runtime.jar

4. Rate some movies

Use the running app to rate a few movies.

You will see the ratings show in the terminal window as they are submitted:

>> Listening on
Sending rating: {"timestamp": 1423073425248, "user_id": 34, "movie_id": 176, "rating": 5}
Sending rating: {"timestamp": 1423073571712, "user_id": 34, "movie_id": 367, "rating": 4}

5. Verify the ratings are written correctly

To use Impala, re-sync the metadata and select ratings from this year:

impala-shell -q 'invalidate metadata'
impala-shell -q 'select * from ratings where year=2015'
Query: select * from ratings where year=2015
| timestamp     | user_id | movie_id | rating | year | month |
| 1423073571712 | 34      | 367      | 4      | 2015 | 2     |
| 1423073425248 | 34      | 176      | 5      | 2015 | 2     |
Fetched 2 row(s) in 0.61s

To use Kite, you can pass a view URI to the show command:

kite-dataset show view:hive:ratings?year=2015
{"timestamp": 1423073571712, "user_id": 34, "movie_id": 367, "rating": 4}
{"timestamp": 1423073425248, "user_id": 34, "movie_id": 176, "rating": 5}
